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We’re thrilled that Event Marketer made “Neuroinclusion” one of their “Trends Of The Week”. If you’ve been following us at all for the last 2 years, you know how near and dear to our heart this topic is:

Neuroinclusivity is a “trend” in that more and more people are doing it. But, make no mistake, this is no “flash-in-the-pan”. Neuroinclusivity is here to stay and is as vital to any event as sustainability. Maybe more so. Because without it, a significant portion of your attendees may struggle to fully engage with and benefit from your events.

As Event Marketer points out, 15-20% of the population considers itself or has been diagnosed as neurodivergent. No event producer can afford to ignore 1 in 5 of their attendees.

The good news is that adapting your event to a neurodivergent audience doesn’t have to be expensive. At all. And some of the steps you can take are simple but incredibly meaningful.

For example:

  • Provide a “know-before-you-go” info sheet so attendees feel prepared and aren’t met with surprises
  • Supply fidget spinners and quiet areas to keep attendees regulated
  • Share in advance if there will be any loud noises or crazy lights
  • Ask open-ended questions during registration so your audience can express any needs they may have ahead of time

Here are a few more resources Event Marketer recommends if you want to go read more on the topic:

Proscenium has also created an Accessibility Resource Page filled with valuable organizations, articles, and videos to help you along this journey.

We are passionate about creating a safe space for all attendees. If you’d like to talk with us more about how we can help make your event more neuroinclusive, just click here!

Catch up on all of this year’s weekly trends here.

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