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Our breathtaking awards night under the stars

With the Pacific Ocean as the backdrop – provided a spectacular environment for each winner to enjoy a moment in the spotlight and be presented with a locally hand-crafted Monkeypod wood trophy.

On the theme of recognizing top talent within the company – and as a memorable finale to the awards night – we even featured winners of T-Mobile’s annual talent search to perform for their fellow employees. This year, we staged a powerhouse singer on a soulful rendition of “One Call Away,” and a custom T-Mobile anthem “Jabulani!” as an homage to the performer’s South African heritage.

Year over year, the T-Mobile PEAK Achievement program continues to evolve to celebrate the company’s best and brightest in the most impactful ways. And every year we achieve the same result: the company’s best of the best – the NŌ KA ‘OI - received the experience of a lifetime that only T-Mobile could provide.

T-Mobile Peak 2024

T-Mobile’s PEAK Achievement Award is the pinnacle of recognition at T-Mobile, and celebrates a fraction of one percent of all employees from all lines of business. Approximately 225 winners and their guests are treated to a highly-curated, 5-day Maui adventure, anchored at the stunning oceanfront Wailea Beach Marriott resort. Alongside our client partners on the Events Team, our strategy in developing the overall creative design and production is to ensure T-Mobile always shows up in a spectacular, talked-about, and culturally-sensitive way. And considering the visuals of the event, we designed the look and feel to fuse the vibrancy of T-Mobile’s magenta with the unique, tropical features of the Hawaiian islands.

Throughout PEAK, attendees are treated to evening socials and mixers, Maui excursions, an exclusive luau, an intimate Town Hall with the Senior Leadership Team, and a tiki-bar inspired Club Magenta nightclub. T-Mobile has a strong focus on giving back and uplifting its communities, and this year helped the island’s recovery efforts after the devastating fires through “Seeding the Future,” a hands-on program to help accelerate of native plant growth and reforestation.

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